The Basics of Poker
The term “pot” comes from the way a player puts in money into a game of poker. When a player “ante-ups” or places money into the pot, he is essentially putting money into the pot. This money is called the pot, and the winner of a poker game gets the entire pot’s worth of cash. There are several different types of poker games. In all of them, the amount of money a player is allowed to bet in the pot is known as the pot limit.
A player may choose to fold his hand. In this situation, the player is said to have “dropped.” This decision does not necessarily mean that the player is thrown out of the game, but instead, is a sign of a lack of interest. A player who decides to fold his hand is known as “folding,” and the hand will be dealt to another player. A player who folds his hand is not eligible for a share of the pot, but he may still receive the remaining money from the players who folded.
Two players can have identical hands, or a hand with fewer than five cards. In this case, the winning hand will be determined by the suit of the next card, not the suit of the player’s cards. In five-card poker, if both players have identical pairs, the hand with the higher value wins. In this game, however, suits have no relative rank. For this reason, the highest-ranking poker hand will win.